May's 41 Farmer of the month: Karen

Karen lives in Connecticut.

Q: What made you decide to be a hemp farmer?

A: During the year 2020, when Covid-19 struck, we were scheduled to have a family reunion. It had been quite some time since we had one, but this was the year. Or so we thought… Like many others throughout the world, our event didn’t happen. So one of the cousins, namely Henry Jr., started the zoom family calls to keep us connected. He made sure that our elders and youth were included. Each generation matters. The family Zoom calls turned into Let’s Make A Deal. Henry suggested making a family business out of the family land that our grandfather used to farm. I remember spending summers down there, which I didn’t like because of the bugs.

While there I remember our grandfather planting tobacco. The plants would have these huge worms that would eat you alive. They had a bite like no other and if they bit you, you knew it. There were also men and women in the field picking the tobacco, but the women would string it to the pole. Granddad also had a tobacco barn where they would hang the poles so the plants could dry before being sold.

I also remember another bard that Granddaddy had. This barn was for the mules. This barn also had corn and hay. I remember we would be in the barn and want to help. So Grandaddy would let us ‘shuck’ the corn. Meaning we would pull back the dried corn silk to get to the corn ears. We would then put the ears in the grinder and turn the handle to get the kernels off the ear. As city children we thought all this was fun and it was fun to us. Now ask our parents and their siblings and I’m sure they would say otherwise… LOL!

My favorite time to visit our grandparents was Christmas. Christmas was when the aunts and uncles along with their children, my cousins, would come together or come home as they would say. There were children everywhere because our grandparents had ten of their own. Can you imagine how many grandchildren came out of 10 (living) children? Well, we were everywhere and there was never a dull moment or a quiet moment for that matter and this was the new house.

I remember the ‘old house’. The old house had creaky floorboards and didn’t have any running water. I don’t know how they did it back then, but they did. They were better off than many others.

We had to heat water and bathe in the hip tub. Can imagine city children with no running water and no bathroom! We had to use the piss pot and outhouse…I mean really, the outhouse. Oh no, but that is what we did back then and we’re here to tell you all about it. We made it from there to where we are today through the sacrifice of our grandparents and our parents. Today we stand on their shoulders and are proud to say it.

Q: What has been the most surprising thing you’ve learned in this process of getting ready to plant our first crop?

A: How the smell of hemp stays on a person’s skin, clothes, and hair…

Q: What’s your favorite thing about hemp?

A: How it will benefit the well-being of others and the financial gain.

Q: What type of hemp products are your favorite?

A:  I haven’t tried any yet.

Q: Is there anything else that you'd like to add?

A: Not right now.

Henry hails from South Carolina and has the greatest amount of experience with hemp.

Q: What made you decide to be a hemp farmer?

A: Growing hemp was an idea that came while discussing the future of our family's legacy. The process to becoming a family hemp farm has not been without challenges but we are closer because of it. Our family all believes that this plant and the quality of its products will add value to the marketplace.  Being able to see the plant go from seed to product has been a very fulfilling process.

Q: What has been the most surprising thing you’ve learned in this process of getting ready to plant our first crop?

A: The versatility of the plant itself has produced many different uses for different parts of the plant. We are able to maximize its production and minimize waste, which is very cool to see in practice.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about hemp?

A: I love that hemp CBD oil is helping so many people regain calmness, headaches, joint pain,vitality, and helping with so many ailments.

Q: What type of hemp products are your favorite?

A:  Presently I am a huge fan of the Sativa Oils because of the energizing and stimulating effect. Planning and working though this process sometimes my thoughts and brain are fatigued and cloudy. I have found that the THC Free Sativa CBD is really great for those seeking mental energy without the buzz or "high" feeling keeping you sharp.

Q: Is there anything else that you'd like to add?

A: I am extremely excited to help bring this family product, which started as just a concept into reality. 41 Farms LLC  is producing quality and ethically sourced Hemp products on our family's farm.