Why You Should Support 41 Farms

We value family and community

What is now 41 Farms began as the realization of our grandfather's dream. He wanted to improve quality of life for his family and community which, along with his faith, were what he treasured most. We are continuing his legacy of working to better the lives of our family and community and seek to connect with like-minded farmers and customers.

Hemp is versatile

The hemp plant can be used to address a variety of physical and mental ailments, as well as produce products that can be smoked or even eaten! We plan to produce CBD oil with our inaugural crop, but are always mindful that, with hemp, the possibilities are limitless.

Black Farmers Matter

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, approximately 44,000 or less than 1%, of US farmers are Black. We honor the Black farmers who came before us, including our grandfather, and look forward to being a part of the resurgence of the Black agricultural tradition.

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